

Squash/Zuchini: 9 Amazing health benefits and nutritions value of Squash/Zuchini

 Prepared by

Emrana Perveen

Although squash is primarily a vegetable from a botanical point of view, it is generally considered to be a fruit containing seeds as a plant. Squash belong to one of the four varieties of the vegetable. These fleshy vegetables are protected by a bar. It is known to have originated in Mexico and Central America about 7500 years ago. There are many types of squash.

Squash/Zuchini: 9 Amazing health benefits and nutritions value of Squash/Zuchini

Although squash is primarily a vegetable from a botanical point of view, it is generally considered to be a fruit containing seeds as a plant. Squash belong to one of the four varieties of the vegetable. These fleshy vegetables are protected by a bar. It is known to have originated in Mexico and Central America about 7500 years ago. There are many types of squash.

 1. Summer squash

2. Winter Squash

3. Acorn

4. Butter nuts

5. Hubbard

6. Pumpkin

7. Spaghetti

8. Zucchini

9. Patty pan

10. Delicata

11. Yellow crochet neck

12. Trombosino

 The nutritional value of squash

Although squash is primarily a vegetable from a botanical point of view, it is generally considered to be a fruit containing seeds as a plant. Squash belong to one of the four varieties of the vegetable. These fleshy vegetables are protected by a bar. It is known to have originated in Mexico and Central America about 7500 years ago. There are many types of squash.

Both summer and winter squash is highly nutritious vegetables. The amount of water in summer squash is high. On the other hand, winter squash is filled with more nutrients. Summer squash usually has a concentration of beta carotene and lutein. Both types of squash contain B vitamins as well as trace amounts of traded iron calcium, magnesium and potassium. Rides of squash are rich in beta carotene.

The nutritional profile value  of this vegetable  explained below.

  • ·         Vitamins
  • ·         Calories and Fat
  • ·         Potassium
  • ·         Flavonoid Compounds
  • ·         Manganese
  • ·         Coumarins
  • ·         Fiber
  • ·         Minerals and numerous vitamins
  • ·         Also contain a health promoting amino acid tryptophan

 The health benefits of squash

Squash is a nutritious vegetable and usually contains more water than summer squash. So squash is considered to be more nutritious. However, squash offer different health benefits.

1. Beneficial for the heart

Yellow squash can reduce the risk of heart disease, as it contains negligible fat and contains almost no cholesterol. It also contains magnesium that reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Magnesium along with potassium helps reduce high blood pressure, whereas vitamin C and beta carotene levels help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.

In addition, yellow squash is rich in folate which lowers cholesterol levels. Thus, it reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.


2. Good for weight loss

Summer squash is good for weight loss, as it is fat-free and very low in calories. One cup of yellow squash contains about 36 calories, 7 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein and 1 gram of low fat in addition to being cholesterol free.Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you can easily replace high calorie vegetables like potatoes and corn with yellow squash.

 3. Prevents cancer

Squash has a high content of antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals from the body. It is a rich source of vitamin C, which prevents premature aging and cancer as well as cell division. It contains vitamin A which protects against lung and oral cavity cancer.

 4. Eye health

Summer squash is rich in beta carotene and lutein, which often leads to blindness. One cup of summer squash contains about 135 milligrams of beta carotene and 2400 micrograms of lutein. Carotenoids found in winter squash also reduce the risk of macular degeneration of human body.

 5. Helps in the fight against diabetes

The dietary fiber in this vegetable helps you fight high blood sugar levels. Thus, it can help prevent the onset of diabetes.

 6 .Regulates blood pressure

These vegetables are rich in potassium. Taking these minerals can help relax blood vessels and arteries. It effectively lowers high blood pressure. Potassium is also needed by the body for fluid balance in tissues and cells.Vegetables also contain magnesium and this mineral basically helps in the absorption of potassium. It contains zinc, which plays a role in maintaining normal blood pressure in the human body.

 7 .Lowers cholesterol levels

The high amount of butternet squash fiber is a clear indication that it may lower your cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Therefore, if you eat butternet squash on a regular basis, you can better manage your cholesterol levels.

 8. Maintains healthy skin

As mentioned earlier, squash is a great source of vitamin A, it contains beta carotene which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Being a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin A is needed to maintain proper skin health and integrity.

9. Promotes hair growth

As mentioned earlier, squash is a rich source of beta carotene which is a safe, non-toxic form of vitamin A. This pigment is important for healthy hair formation and maintenance. It prevents hair breakage and promotes optimal growth. So, making squash a part of your diet is a great way to maintain a healthy man.

(All information Collect by Google study and picture credit Pixabay)

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